Saturday, February 25, 2012

White shark

WHITE SHARK who correctly identify the particular karharodon reaches a considerable size - the largest of the modern predatory sharks. Her back and sides are painted in gray, brown or black color, while the belly is dirty white. Most of the measured specimens of this species had a length of 11 m, although, apparently, sometimes there are even larger specimens. Normal size white shark is 5-6 m with a weight of 600-3200 kg. At the same time the shark about 4 m in length have not yet reached puberty. It is interesting to note that even relatively recently (at the end of the Tertiary period), there were white shark (species Carcharodon megalodon), which reached about 30 m in length. In the jaws of a shark could easily accommodate eight people.The modern white shark is solitary and occurs in both open ocean and the coast. This shark is usually kept at the surface, but can drop into the deeper layers of water, one specimen was caught, even at a depth of 1000 m white shark is widely distributed in the warm waters of all oceans, occurring in temperate waters. Its location marked, particularly in the southern Japan Sea, off the coast of Washington State and California on the Pacific coast of the United States and even the island of Newfoundland. For this species is characterized by very large (up to 5 cm in height) and large teeth, which have a triangular shape and coarsely serrated along the edges.A very powerful jaws armed white shark gives the opportunity to put their mining terrible damage and without much effort bite victims bones and cartilage, and a wide mouth and throat of this giant shark can swallow very large pieces. Apparently, the white shark is not particularly picky in choosing the food, although most often in the stomachs of captured specimens were found of other sharks, which he apparently hunted. In this relatively small sharks (sometimes exceeding 2 m in length) tend to be swallowed intact, and the larger ones, such as basking sharks, torn to pieces. The composition of food karharodona also includes a relatively small fish (mackerel, sea perch), tuna, seals, fur seals, sea otters, sea turtles.
 This shark does not shrink even carrion and garbage: in the stomach of one specimen caught near Sydney, were found among other pieces of food a horse, a dog and a leg of lamb, and the other caught off the coast of South Africa - half goat, two pumpkins and a bottle of wicker case. The white shark is one of the sharks most dangerous to humans. Registered many cases of this shark attacks on humans in the water and on boats. Only in recent years witnessed documented more than 100 such attacks, and it is certainly only a small part of them. Most of the attacks resulted in death, and only a few lucky victims to save their lives, escaped with the loss of a limb or other serious injuries. White shark attacks recorded not only in the open waters, but also near the coast - in the bays and beaches. Small wonder that in Australia, this shark is called "white death." It is believed that the attack on the person committing only a few "stray" individuals of this species.For example, in 1916 the Atlantic coast of America (New Jersey) for 12 days, five people were attacked by a shark near the shore. Of these survivors only. Once the area was caught white shark attacks have stopped.

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