Saturday, February 25, 2012


Omar - naybіlshy іz morskih rakіv, Mauger dosyagati 80 cm have lobster potuzhnі kleshnі, scho tsіlkom zdatnі ushkoditi lyudsku hand. Tіlo Tsikh rakіv vkrite a hard shell on hvostі Got vіyalo plastkih solid plates. Cancers usuperech vіdomomu prislіv'yu, peresuvayutsya, zazvichay, head forward. A-axis tіkayut vіd nebezpeki tochnіsnіsіnko yak with prislіv'ї, i did not shvidkіstyu postupayutsya naymotornіshim ribam.
Lobsters (lobsters) live on the rocky sandy continental shelf in warm and cold ocean waters in the world povsemu. Different kinds of lobsters are very different from each other in size and taste. Initially, different in color, when cooked they become bright red.
The most valuable are the Atlantic (Norwegian) lobsters - they are small in size (22 cm long), but very tasty. Much more European lobster (up to 90 cm in length and weigh up to 10kg), who lives in the seas surrounding Europe from Norway to the north-west coast of Africa.
American (North or Manx) lobster up to 1 m and a weight of 20 kg is found along the Atlantic coast of North America from Labrador to North Carolina, as well as bred on special farms. It affects more dimensions than the taste.
If while traveling in Asia, you will have the opportunity to try the tiny lobsters from the Indian Ocean, do not neglect it - they have a very interesting and full of flavor.Devonian fishermen decided photographed a giant lobster, let him go free. It seemed to him too old and appear to be too tough. Experts believe that, judging by the size lobster could be about a hundred years. The official representative of the Marine Nature Conservation Society (Marine Conservation Society) praised the act of fishing couple. "The old lobster is extremely important for the growth of new generations, as they put more energy into it, when old. And it's better to let them do it. Lobsters as cod, often caught in too large quantities, "- she said. 

The largest lobster was caught British waters in 1931 in Cornwall, he was 1.2 meters in length without the claw and weighed more than 8.5 kg.

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