Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ramps are superorders elasmobranch cartilaginous fish, which includes five teams and 15 families. For the characteristic rays fused with the head of the pectoral fins and a rather flat body. Most stingrays live in the seas. Science knows a few freshwater species. From where it was inhabited by the color of the rays of the upper parts of their bodies. The latter may be either black and very bright.
The size of rays varies from a few centimeters to several meters, a wingspan of some of the rays may be more than two meters (eg, slopes of the family orlyakovyh). Electric rays are endowed with a very specific "weapons." These ramps paralyze their prey with electric discharges.
Skates can be found in different parts of the globe. They are found even in the coasts of Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean. It is best to observe the same "flying" slope off the coast of Australia.
Ramps are relatives of sharks. Moreover, the closest relatives. External similarities, of course, is not observed. Internal structure, along with sharks, stingrays are not made of bone and cartilage from. In the old days were like the rays of sharks not only the internal structure, but also by external features. But time has changed them beyond recognition.
Ramps - ancient fish. One of the oldest fish, as sharks.
Stingrays have a unique respiratory system. Why is unique, but because all the other fish breathe with gills. However, if the slope tried to do the same, it is with the air sucked in themselves and to the sand, lying on the bottom. That is why breathing is different from the slopes of breathing other fish. Air enters the body through a special chute spiracle. The latter are on the back of this fish. Spiracle also reserved a special valve, but if it happens that the spiracle is still any foreign particle, the slope is released from it by letting a jet of water from the bryzgalets.
Ramps - is a kind of aquatic butterflies. This analogy is based on how the rays move in the water. They are unique in the fact that the voyage did not use the tail, as do other fish. Rays moved by movements of the fins, while reminding butterflies.

 Ramps are different from each other. First, in size. Nature of the rays are known as small as a few centimeters and rays, whose size is 7 meters. Second, the different slopes in different ways, and even a lead. Some ramps are not opposed to, for example, jump above the water surface, while the majority of these fish prefer to spend their time buried in the sand.
Sea Devil - an amazing skate. He spodvigaet sailors on writing the most improbable of legends. Of course! If you even imagine such a picture, when suddenly from the sea water in a few short seconds, something flies seven-meter (this is something the devil or the slope of the sea, as it is called, manta ray), which exceeds the weight of two tons that sailors can be understood. Especially when you consider the fact that in a moment of this giant once again plunged into the depths of the sea, showing sailors goodbye black spiky tail.
Sea Devil - a safe establishment. Despite the largest of all rays sizes. This slope is not endowed with any electrical power, it has no thorns and terrible teeth. A long tail, which is stored sailors, as no armed. Sea Devil has a fairly good-natured character, and the people and do not touch them. Sea Devils are found in all tropical oceans. They can be seen on the surface of the water, and its thickness, and at a height of about five feet above the water. By the way, the goal of "jumping" the sea devil out of the water is not known.
Sea Devil is good taste. It is said that the meat is not only delicious but also nutritious. In ancient literature can be found a description of recipes with sea devil. Only hunting for this ramp is not safe and easy. By virtue of its size, sea-devil could easily, for example, to turn the boat.And why kill this extraordinary creation of nature, especially when you consider the fact that the female bears a single calf. However, the size of the latter is very, very impressive, as, indeed, and weight, which on average at birth is equal to ten kilograms.
Electric Ray - a terrible fish. It is much worse in nature than, for example, sea-devil. The fact that the cells of the electric pitch (also called ordinary or marble) can generate electricity up to 220 (of course, the name of this ramp went from here). And as many divers were exposed to an electric current of the slopes! It is worth noting that all are able to generate electricity rays, but not as much as the electric ray. Electric Ray is known for a long time. Its size can be determined as follows: approximately half a meter long and a meter wide. It weighs twenty-five to thirty pounds. The upper body is covered with whitish and brown veins, and therefore the colors may be different.
Females give birth to electric pitch live young. At a time can be born from eight to fourteen pups. Previously it was thought that if the cubs even threatened any danger, then the female takes them into his mouth. There pups are up to as long as the danger will not be reduced to nothing. But at the present time, these data have not been confirmed.
Electric rays - are lazy creatures. They are by nature very slow. However, the marble ramps have a special power that lies in the fact that the slope can be fixed to any fish, just touching it.This unique ability of the slope and do not have to move fast - buried in the sand he's just waiting for prey. Fish swimming close to the fixed electrical slopes quickly become sleepy and lethargic. In the immediate vicinity of the marble stingray fish may even die. The fishermen know about this unique ability of slope, the force which comes to a network of arms and forces to release a network. Poison live stingray is able to penetrate the human body, even if it touches him with a stick. Off-ramp is perfectly safe.
Marble ramp causes electric shocks consciously. Blows stronger directly under the water. If the slope tease, it's easy to force him to repeat the electric shocks several times. With the help of an electric vehicle on the marble slopes protected enemies and get food.
Weapons spiny skate - it's his tail. His is just something that sticks in the ramp and his victim.After that, Ray pulls the tail back. The wound of the victim is torn due to the fact that the tail slope strewn with thorns. Spiny-ray will never attack just so he enters the fray only to self-defense. A meal in the diet of spiny skate includes crustaceans and molluscs, which do not grind their teeth ramps and special platinum and projections.

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